A fraction represents a decimal number in the form of one number over (or divided by) another. To convert a fraction to a decimal the numerator is divided by the denominator; the denominator is the divisor in this case.
A division can be written with the divide symbol (÷) or a solidus (or slash /). The latter is used by most (if not all) computer languages. The solidus is also used to separate the numerator from the denominator of a fraction. The divisor of a division and the denominator of a fraction both occur on the right of the slash in the same place; thus they are the same thing.
Convert unlike fractions to equivalent fractions with common denominators by finding the LCM of the denominators.
numerators and denominators are both part of a fraction. the numerator is on top and the denominator is on the bottom. for example, in 2/3, 2 is the numerator and 3 is the denominator
320 has 14 divisors.
The divisors of 23 are: 1, 23.
Sum of divisors: 1,392.
Fractions are alike if they have the same denominators; otherwise they are different.
Convert unlike fractions to equivalent fractions with common denominators by finding the LCM of the denominators.
Common denominators are created by finding the common multiples of unlike denominators.
Common denominators are multiples that are being used as denominators. The process to find them is the same.
numerators and denominators are both part of a fraction. the numerator is on top and the denominator is on the bottom. for example, in 2/3, 2 is the numerator and 3 is the denominator
Unit fractions all have the same numerators but the denominators can be different.
Divisors are used to divide numbers.
2,4,8 (1 and 16 are divisors too, but the number and 1 are always divisors)
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! Common denominators and common multiples are like two peas in a pod. They both involve finding numbers that can be divided evenly by two or more denominators or multiples, bringing harmony to your math problems. Just like when you mix your colors on the palette to create a beautiful painting, finding common denominators and multiples helps bring balance to your equations.
Sum of divisors = 91.
The divisors of 41231 are: 1, 41231.
12 has six divisors.