numerators and denominators are both part of a fraction. the numerator is on top and the denominator is on the bottom. for example, in 2/3, 2 is the numerator and 3 is the denominator
They are called denominators and numerators!
No. Convert them to like denominators and add the numerators.
If the denominators are the same, subtract the numerators. If the denominators are different, convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and subtract the numerators.
Yes, 'fractions' with different numerators can be added, but not with different denominators. In the case where you have different denominators, you must find the LCM (lowest common multiple).
Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.
They are called denominators and numerators!
Unit fractions all have the same numerators but the denominators can be different.
you have to multiply numerators and denominators because whatever you do to the bottom you have to do to the top
No. Convert them to like denominators and add the numerators.
If the denominators are the same, subtract the numerators. If the denominators are different, convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and subtract the numerators.
Yes, 'fractions' with different numerators can be added, but not with different denominators. In the case where you have different denominators, you must find the LCM (lowest common multiple).
The LCD of two fractions is the same as the LCM of their denominators.
this is a tricky question but the relationship between the numerators of the product is that they both fractions - and for the next question is that in some fraction their is aways going to have the same denominator that never changes or DONT CHANGE AT ALL !
Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.
3/40 and 5/24
The answer is cross products.