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They aren't. They aren't.

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Q: How are inverse trigonometric functions applied in real life?
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Uses of trigonometric functions in real life situations?

Can you use trigonomic functions in real life situations? It's not like you carry a calculator with you everywhere... Very unlikely unless you have a job that requires trig skills.

What are some examples of trigonometric functions in everyday life?

ocean waves/ sound waves and it is also used in finding out the distances between planets and all.

How do we use inverse in real life?

we use it in math. it is called inverse operation

Where trigonometric used in real life?

If you are in school and are studying trig then you are using trig in real life.

Where would you use additive inverse in real life?

When you owe money

What life functions does the heart support?

The heart supports all life functions.

What is the smallest unit capable of carrying out life functions?

The cell is the smallest unit of life capable of carrying out life functions.

Which describes the relationship between depth and the distribution of life in an aquatic ecosystem?

As depth increases in an aquatic ecosystem, the distribution of life typically becomes more stratified. Different species may be found at different depths based on factors like light availability, temperature, and nutrient levels. Some species may be adapted to specific depth zones, resulting in a diverse community of organisms inhabiting different layers of the water column.

How can what ants like be applied to every day life?

Ants like sugar, and that can be applied to every day life as a sweetener.

Do the cell theory apply to both animals and bacterial cells?

Yes, the cell theory applies to both animal and bacterial cells. It states that all organisms are composed of one or more cells, that the cell is the basic unit of life, and that all cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division. This theory is valid for all living organisms, regardless of their size or complexity.

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medulla oblangata

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