

How are landmasses shape?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: How are landmasses shape?
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Only a globe can show true distance direction size and shape of landmasses all at the same time?

Yes, that is correct.

Which projection show shape of landmasses most accurately?

There is no map that shows all of the land masses correct shapes. Cylindrical projections will show land masses accurately if they are close to the equator. Planar will show them correctly at the center of the map. And conic projection will show the poles accurately. If you really need perfect sizes, use a globe (: hope that helped!

Where are the continent?

They are landmasses on Earth just like parts of the Earth. They are to divide earth into landmasses.

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Larger landmasses have greater diversity.

What representation of earth wouldn't have distortions?

A globe would be the most accurate representation of Earth without distortions as it shows the planet in three dimensions, preserving the true shape of landmasses and distances between them.

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What are the three nearest landmasses around Antarctica?

South America, New Zealand and Australia are among the nearest landmasses to Antarctica.

The ancient continent that contained all the landmasses is called what?

The ancient continent that contained all the landmasses is called Pangaea.

What are 3 plates and 2 landmasses of the world?

There are many more than just 3 plats and 2 landmasses in the world

When a landmass looks larger on a map than it does on the globe that change in shape is called?

That change in shape is called distortion. It occurs when representing the three-dimensional surface of the Earth on a two-dimensional map, leading to inaccuracies in the size and shape of landmasses.