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Suppose you had a secret message you needed to give someone. You can use a matrix to make it unreadable to anyone except the recipient.

First, you must have an encoding matrix. Let's suppose your encoding matrix is...

-2 2 3

-1 3 2

2 1 3

And your message is... I like matrices

You must then write you message with numbers.

Suppose you use the code A=1, B=2, C=3 etc. Spaces are 27.

That would make your message this:

9 27 12 9 11 5 27 13 1 20 18 9 3 5 19

You translate this into a matrix, going down the columns. The matrix must have three rows to be able to multiply.

9 9 27 20 3

27 11 13 18 5

12 5 1 9 19

When you multiply the two, you get...

72 19 -25 23 61

96 34 14 52 50

81 44 70 85 68

To find the original message, you multiply by the inverse

of the encoding matrix--the decoding matrix. You will find the first pattern of numbers and be able to find the message.

(Sorry, I don't know how to make matrix brackets. You'll just have to deal with it. I tried to make it pretty clear.)

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Q: How are matrices used in cryptography?
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How is cryptography used?

Cryptography is basically the process of hiding information in order to protect the sensitive information, data or message from unknown attacks for any reasons. Cryptography actually consists of two terms encryption and decryption. The process in which message is ciphered or encrypted is known as encryption and the process in which message is deciphered at recipients end is known as decryption. And this whole process is known as cryptography. Public keys and private keys are used in the process of cryptography. Cryptography can be seen as symmetric and asymmetric. In symmetric cryptography same key is used for both encryption and decryption while in asymmetric different keys are used for both encryption and decryption. Today Cryptography is used in various fields like ATM, e-banking, IT security, Maths etc.

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Applications of matrices in the field of electronics and communication engineering?

A prime example of matrices (plural) being used in computers if in computer graphics and rendering where matrices are used in 3D work for transformations like rotation, scaling and translations. Although I'm sure there are plenty more fields in computer science where matrices may be used.

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Matrices are used to figure who is seeded in a contest like the NCAA basketball final four. Matrices are used in any calculation that has to do with multiple variables. In business the maximum that you charge for a ticket and make the most money, I have used matrices.

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This is known as RSA encryption. Encryption involving a public and private key combination is known as asynchronous cryptography, as opposed to synchronous cryptography. It is also known as public key cryptography. RSA is an algorithm that may be used (but there are others that can be used), in public key cryptography. (A key pair)

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