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Matrices are used to figure who is seeded in a contest like the NCAA Basketball final four. Matrices are used in any calculation that has to do with multiple variables. In business the maximum that you charge for a ticket and make the most money, I have used matrices.

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13y ago
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12y ago

There are many uses for matrices in everyday life. One example of how matrices can be used is with encryption. When a programmer encrypts or codes a message, he can use matrices and their inverse. The internet function could not function without encryption, and neither could banks since they now use these same means to transmit private and sensitive data. Many geologists make use certain types of matrices for seismic surveys. Matrices are also used in graphs and statistics for doing scientific studies in many other different fields. Matrices are used to calculate gross domestic product in economics, and thereby help in calculation for producing goods more efficiently. Matrices are also sometimes used in computer animation. They can also be used as labels for students to stay organized. They could label things like "School," "Sports," "Home work," and "Recreation." Along the side, list werself and 3 friends. Poll wer friends and fill out the table, rounding the time to whole numbers. Compare this matrix to the matrices we have been doing. Like, in the example shown previously, matrices are useful for polls. Matrices are very useful for organization, like for scientists who have to record the data from their experiments if it includes numbers. In engineering, math reports are recorded using matrices. And in architecture, matrices are used with computing. If needed, it will be very easy to add the data together, like we do with matrices in mathematics. Like in some problems of our homework, matrices could be useful to figuring out things like price and quantity, like with the foods and prices in our homework. As we can see, there are many and very useful ways matrices could be applied in our everyday lives and even in the future.

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