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Q: How are percents used to make a comparison?
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How would you make a comparison using percents?

by simplifying the given numbers

How are percents used?

percents are used to dealing with math for example you can always do 45/100% wich reduces to 450%.

Why do you use percents?

Percents are basically decimals, and we use decimals as numbers with extra, tiny proportions. Percents are just ways to make those decimals into a whole, more friendlier number. But, percents can also be made with decimals as well.

How are percents used in daily math?

Percents are used to calculate tax on EVERY store purchase,and to calculate discounts on every "special" or "bargain".If you can't calculate percents, you can't catch mistakes or avoid being cheated.

What degree of comparison is used in this sentence Swimming in the ocean at night is dangerous.?

The positive degree of comparison is used. (That it, no comparison is made.)

How is a proportion like a fraction?

A proportion is when you make fractions into percents

How are percents used in advertising and sales?

Discount allowed/ received

How do you make 3.476 into Percents?

Simply multiply it by 100 to change it into a percentage

Who invented percents?

No one invented percents.


percents are numbers over 100

What are the percents of India's religion?

20 percents

What are the ratios used for in heredity?

The ratios are percents, which can be calculated by a punnett square.