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Vectors have direction. Scalars don't.

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Q: How are scalar and vector different?
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Related questions

Can a vector be added to a scalar?

No- vector ad scalar are two different things. Scalar consists only of magnitude, whereas vector consists both magnitude and direction.

Is a vector quantity is always the same as a scalar quantity?

No, a vector quantity and a scalar quantity are different. A vector has both magnitude and direction, while a scalar has only magnitude. Velocity and force are examples of vector quantities, while speed and temperature are examples of scalar quantities.

What is a scalar times a vector?

A scalar times a vector is a vector.

Is inertia is a scalar or vector?


What is scalar vector?

A scalar is a single quantity that is represented by just a magnitude, such as temperature or speed. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction, like force or velocity. Scalars can be thought of as a subset of vectors with zero direction component.

Is it possible to multiply a vector quantity to a scalar quantity?

The product of scalar and vector quantity is scalar.

Is scalar quantiy is added with vector quantity?

No, a scalar quantity cannot be added to a vector quantity directly. They belong to different types of quantities - scalars have only magnitude while vectors have both magnitude and direction. To add a scalar to a vector, you would need to convert the scalar to a vector by giving it a direction and then perform vector addition.

How does a vector quantity different from scalar quantity?

A scalar quantity defines only magnitude, while a vector quantity defines both a magnitude and direction.

How does a vector quantity different from a scalar quantity?

A scalar quantity defines only magnitude, while a vector quantity defines both a magnitude and direction.

What are the five different forces?

The five different forces are the derivatives of the Quaternion Energy E=Es + Ev=[Es,Ev] where Es is the Scalar Energy and Ev the vector Energy. Force = XE = [d/dr,Del][Es,Ev] = [dEs/dr -Del . Ev, dEv/dr + Del Es + DelxEv] dEs/dr the scalar derivative of the Scalar Energy, the Scalar Centripetal Force Del.Ev the Divergence of the Vector Energy, the Scalar Centrifugal Force dEv/dr the scalar derivative of the Vector Energy, the Vector Tangent Force Del Es the vector Derivative of the Scalar Energy, the Vector Gradient Force DelxEv the Curl of the Vector Energy, the Vector Circulation Force.

Why is it impossible to add a scalar to a vector?

Scalars are single numbers, while vectors have both magnitude and direction. Adding a scalar to a vector would change the vector's magnitude but not its direction, leading to a different type of mathematical operation. It is not possible to directly add a scalar to a vector in the same way you would add two vectors of the same dimension.

Multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in what?

When multiplying a vector by a scalar, each component of the vector is multiplied by the scalar. This operation changes the magnitude of the vector but not its direction. Similarly, dividing a vector by a scalar involves dividing each component of the vector by the scalar.