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Q: How are slope and the dependent variable similar?
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What is the definitionof slope?

Slope is defined as the change in y (the dependent variable) over the change in x (the independent variable).

When finding the slope of the trend line what does the slope mean about the data of the scatterplot?

The slope of the trend line is the rate of change of the data. It is the ratio of the change of the dependent variable to the rate of change of the independent variable. Slope represents the value of the correlation.

If a linear graph has a negative slope what can you say about the dependent variable?

It does not change.

What is the slope of the line y equals a plus bx where y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable?

y=a+bx so the slope is b

How can you interpret the values of the slope?

The values of the slope of a line is a measure of the amount of change in the dependent (vertical) variable which accompanies a unit change in the ndependent (horizontal) variable.

How do you change from standard form to slope intercept?

Solve the standard form for the dependent variable, commonly 'y'.

Solve the eqaution of a straight line with a positive slope of 2 and a positive intercept of 2 where y is the dependent variable and the variable x is the nonindependent variable?

y = 2x + 2

What is an independant varible?

An independent variable is one which does not rely on another variable for its value. For example, in the slope intercept form: y = 2x + 3 The x is the independent variable and the y is the dependent variable. The x can be set to anything, therefore it is independent. The value of y is dependent on x for its value.

What indicates the direction of a relationship in a linear function?

The slope of the line. A positive slope shows that the two variables increase or decrease together. A negative slope indicates they move in opposite directions. A slope of 0 indicates that the "dependent" variable has the same, constant, value whatever value the independent variable takes.

What causes change in a dependent variable?

The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.

A straight line on a graph means there is what kind of relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable.?

A straight line on a graph indicates a linear relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable. This means that as one variable changes, the other changes at a constant rate, resulting in a line with a steady slope.

Is price is independent variable or dependent variable?

dependent variable