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Q: How are the formulas for the surface area of a prism and the surface area of a pyramid alike?
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How are a triangular prism and triangular pyramid volume formulas alike and different?

The answer will depend on what aspect the formula is for: the surface area or the volume being the most obvious options.

How is a rectangular prism and a pyramid alike?

they are both 3d

How are triangle -based pyramid and trianlguar prism alike?

there base are a triangle

How are a rectangular prism and a square pyramid alike?

they are both classified as a polyhedra.

How are a rectangular pyramid and a retangular prism alike?

They are polyhedra with a rectangular base.

Is the surface area the same as area?

No the area is when you are dealing with a 2-dimensional figure. Surface area formulas vary depending on if the object is a rectangular prism, a pyramid, a cone, or a triangular prism. a.k.a. the object needs to be 3-D to have a surface area.

How are rectangular prism and square pyramid alike?

they both have quadrilateral bases, they're both polyhedrons, and they both can tessellate (if it's a right prism and a right pyramid)

How rectangular prism and rectangular pyramid alike?

Both of their bases are rectangles, and they are both 3D.

How is the triangular prism and the square pyramid alike?

both have lateral face shapes that are riangles

Is a cone a pyramid or a prism?

A cone is a common pyramid-like figure where the base is a circle or other closed curve instead of a polygon. A cone has a curved lateral surface instead of several triangular faces, but in terms of volume, a cone and a pyramid are just alike.

How is a hexagonal prism and a hexagonal pyramid alike?

Both have at least one hexagonal face (base) ?

How is a hexagonal pyramid and hexagonal prism alike and different?

They are both polyhedra. Both have at least one hexagonal face. A 6-pyramid has only one hexagonal face, a 6-prism has 2. A 6-pyramid has only 7 face, a 6-prism has 8. A 6-pyramid has only 12 edges face, a 6-prism has 18. A 6-pyramid has only 7 vertices, a 6-prism has 12.