You could write it as 103, or as 1003/2 or as 10001 or as 10000001/2 or as 10log(1000) or in any of an infinity of different ways like that.
8.517 can be written as 8517 / 1000 in fraction form
the square root of 1000 can be written as 10 times the square root of 10.
Writing Numbers in Index FormWe know that: So, we can write 8 as 23.Likewise, 27 can be written as 33and 125 can be written as 53.So far, we have considered numbers that have a group of the same factors. Sometimes, a number has more than one group of the same factors as shown in the following example.Example 20Write 200 in simplest index form.Solution:Key Termsimplest index form
0.987 written as a fraction in simplest form is 987/1000
10^3 = 1000
23 x 53 = 1000
23 x 53 = 1000
250 written in index form = 2.5 × 102
The Russell 1000 Index is a stock market index. Its purpose is to represent the highest ranking 1000 stocks in the Russell 3000 Index, which counts for 90% of that particular market.
Written as 321/1000
Index form
"index" is the singular form - "indices" is the plural :)
5524288 = 26*7*11*19
8.517 can be written as 8517 / 1000 in fraction form
The possessive form of "index" is "index's." For example, "the index's values are displayed in alphabetical order."
The standard form of 1000 kg is written as "1,000 kilograms.