70% = 0.70 or 7/10
7/10 = 0.7 = 70%
56/70 as a decimal is 0.8
70/25 as a decimal is 2.8
Yes. Integers include both positive and negative numbers (and zero). Anything that, when written in decimal, has no digits after the decimal point.
70% = 0.70 in decimal
70 thousandths written in decimal notation is 0.070
7/70= .1
Written as a decimal 7/10 would be .70
70% = 0.70 or 7/10
It is written 70.015.
0.7 or 70%
7/10 = 0.7 = 70%
70/100 is .7 as a decimal.
56/70 as a decimal is 0.8