Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
change them to decimals
Any time we compare decimals, except in out dreams/nightmares! We cannot leave the real world purely for the purpose of comparing decimals and return to the real word when we have done that!
To compare decimals: look at the highest-order digit and compare. If it is the same, look at the next digit, and so forth. Thus, 23.5 is greater than 11.4 (because the tens digit is greater), 123.88 is greater than 25.82 (because the second number has no hundreds digit, so you can take it to be zero), 115.28 is greater than 113.99 (the first two digits are equal, so you compare the third digit). To compare fractions: use a calculator to convert to decimals, then compare. Alternately, you can convert to a common denominator, then compare the numerators.
You can use decimal models to add decimals by using the hundedths blocks as used in base-ten blocks and add the following decimals you need to and use the hundredths block to shade in the total.
To compare it.
what the heck
how you compare decimals and percents, is by the signs. a decimal looks like this: 0.0 and a percent looks like this: %
Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
change them to decimals
You can compare LG mobile phone models on there website where all of their current models are available to look at and compare the features of the different models.
Any time we compare decimals, except in out dreams/nightmares! We cannot leave the real world purely for the purpose of comparing decimals and return to the real word when we have done that!
you eat pie
To compare decimals: look at the highest-order digit and compare. If it is the same, look at the next digit, and so forth. Thus, 23.5 is greater than 11.4 (because the tens digit is greater), 123.88 is greater than 25.82 (because the second number has no hundreds digit, so you can take it to be zero), 115.28 is greater than 113.99 (the first two digits are equal, so you compare the third digit). To compare fractions: use a calculator to convert to decimals, then compare. Alternately, you can convert to a common denominator, then compare the numerators.