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By working for it.

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Well, it is a good grade 92%, you are sill the A student in class. Good Job!

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becaz they study a lot and get good grades

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it depends on your subject. O.o

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yes you got an okay mark for an Honor student if a mark is anywhere from 80%-90% you are still in the honor system

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Running has become a part of many people's regular exercise routine, including children. A good mile time for a 1st grade student should be at about ten minutes. A 12 year old boy can complete a 1 mile run in eight minutes.

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Get good grades and study hard.

How do you become an honors student?

Get good grades and study hard.

Should student athletes maintain a good grade average?

Yes it is very important for student athletes to maintain a good gpa!! Exactly why the student comes first in student athlete. It means school, books, and studying always come before sports.

Can a sixth grade student play on an eighth grade basketball team?

They usually can depending on the coach and league rules. You must be good enough though.