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Q: How can math change the world?
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Was math in Africa?

Math is used everywhere in the world including Africa. Math is used in markets to trade or count change.

How is math a universal language?

Unlike normal languages, math does not change depending on where you are in the world. 2+2=4 in every nation.

What is the relevance of Einstein's contributions to math today?

Einstein does gave a great contribution to math and i believe that this contributions made people change their look in the world, .

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What in math is smething that does not change?

In Math, something that does not change is called a Constant

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change your score on first in math

How did Einstein's contribution to math change the world?

he made the equation E=mc2 he also changed the theory of the universe

What if there where no math in the world?

If there was no math in the world we wouldn't no that many things because math is the main subject in the world. It is the main subject because you will see numbers everywhere and that is math.

How can math improve the world?

Math is not there to improve the world on its own. Math is there to support Physics, Englineering and other subjects which do improve the world.

How did exponents change math?

Exponents did not change math, per se, math has always been the same. But the use of them has changed the way math is done. It has allowed mathematic formulas to be shortened and simplified.

What in math did he change?