In most countries, the main unit of money (for instance, the United States Dollar, the euro, or the British Pound) is divided into 100 smaller units. Money amounts are written as decimals, with two decimal digits.
This may help in part, but it is a bit restrictive, since only two decimal digits are ever used - never more or less.
It helps you with money because Decimals and money are almost the same thing.
Decimals are everywhere - money is one big place you'll find them!
One can get help on decimals in a few different ways. They can 1) Seek a tutor online or in person 2) Go to youtube and learn decimals or 3) Go on the internet and find website that break down the lessons so it is easier to understand where decimals come from and how they work.
will help people around the world get d help them .also they can also help u with money
Yes, decimal worksheets will help you to completely understand how to use decimals. here is a link to follow so you watch some tutorial videos to better your understanding of decimals and also to get some decimal worksheets:
It help you figure the problem faster.It also help you understand the problem.
When learning money,there will be decimals
You can use decimals in money.
3rd. Adding Decimals 5th - Adding and subtracting 6th - Dividing Decimals
money uses decimals
decimals are most commonly seen in money.