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Q: How can teach ascending and discending order of a number?
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How do you teach ascending descending orders for kids?

You can teach ascending order to kids by arranging objects or numbers from smallest to largest. Similarly, you can teach descending order by arranging objects or numbers from largest to smallest. You can make this activity fun by using toys, blocks, or other visual aids to help kids understand the concept.

How to teach Ascending and descending concept of numbers to tiny tots?

smallest to biggest numbers

How do you teach ascending order of numbers?

For kids anything that is visual and involves a lot of doing is very easy to remember ... for ever! So, if we want to teach ascending order, it can be done in many ways. One Example: Point 1: Take them to a flight of steps - number it by marking the lowest step with 1, the next with 2 and so on. Then make them jump up each step while saying the numbers written aloud and tell them that they are ascending from a lower level to the higher level. Then make them jump down each step while once again saying the numbers written aloud and tell them that they are descending from a higher level to the lower level. This way they remember ascending means low to high and descending means high to low. Point 2: Then for them to understand which number is the smallest or which number is the biggest, in order to arrange them in ascending or descending order. Give them a sample. Then (i) firstly, ask them to look the number of digits in each number, the number with the least digit is the smallest, so that should be written down first in the ascending order list, then strike off that number from the question list. You can do this till you arrive in a situation when there are 2 or more numbers with similar amount of digits. (ii) Now you need to ask them to check the digit in the highest place value and whichever is the smallest will be the next number in line - eg. 397, 566, 236, in this list numbers start with 300, 500 and 200, so, the number starting with 200 i.e. 236 is the next in line. (iii) Then you might have a situation like 443, 493, 456, so you go to the next place value - 40, 90, 50, so answer is 443. You continue to go on like this and the reverse applies in case they have to do the numbers in descending order. Though too long an answer, I hope this was useful to you :-)

How do you teach ratios?

Ratios are like the same thing as percents,you have to find a number out of another number, you dont have to be a mastermind to learn and teach them.

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In order to teach elementary school, you will need your state's teaching certification and a number of college credits, which varies. Usually the number is over 60 to be a substitute, and over 100 in order to become a full time teacher with the opportunity for advancement.

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Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.Anybody who was educated could be brought to Rome as a slave, or not, in order to teach wealthy children. The Greeks are the ones we hear about the most.

Do you need to take a course to teach online?

"Yes, in order for you to teach online you will need to have a degree in teaching. Many people, however, teach online, but they do not claim to be a teacher. If you want to teach on youtube, you need nothing, but to teach for a school, you must have a degree."

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splash, tackle and flail in this order

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The Element Song is commonly used to teach the periodic table of elements. It lists the elements in order by atomic number and often includes a catchy tune to aid in memorization.

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In order to teach, one must have at least a Master's degree in education. You will also have to undertake student teaching in order to familiarize yourself with the classroom environment.

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Usually the highest number of languages a toy can teach are mainly two , and they are usually only english and spanish . They do have other toys out there though can can and do teach other languages but arent sold at bigger chain stores .