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Smallest: -infinitillion -10^∞. (or 0 in module)

Biggest: infinitillion 10^∞.

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Q: How do you teach smallest number and biggest number?
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Which is biggest and the smallest number in the number system?

There is no smallest number and no biggest number. Given any big number, however big, it is always possible to find one that is bigger (and the same with the smallest).

How to teach Ascending and descending concept of numbers to tiny tots?

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The smallest two digit number is 00 (a number used as a wire gauge) and the biggest is 99, so the sum of the biggest and smallest 2-digits numbers is 99 (99 + 00).

Is the number 0 the smallest number?

no 0 isn't the smallest number because there are negative numbers so there really is no biggest number nor smallest number

What is median mathes?

you subtract the smallest number with the biggest number

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Here's how to figure these out. First, which is the biggest number (ignore the sign for now). Got it? Okay, now if it has a negative sign in front, that's your smallest number. In the list above, the biggest number does indeed have a negative sign, so it's your smallest. If it doesn't, then it's your biggest number. A negative sign turns your biggest into your smallest. The smallest number is either the positive number that is closest to zero in a list, or if the list has negative numbers, then it is the biggest negative number (that would make it the farthest away from zero).

How do you get the range from a group of numbers?

Range = Biggest number - smallest number.

Which is the smallest -4 -3 -1 or -10?

the biggest negative number is the smallest -10

What do you do to find the range of numbers?

you take the biggest number and subtract it by the smallest number.

What is range and how do you find it?

You take the smallest number in of data and subtract it from the biggest number. For example in 34, 41, 37, 29, and 34 the biggest number is 41 and the smallest number is 29, so you do 41-29 which is 12. Your range is 12.

What do you mean by descending numbers?

Start with the biggest number, then the next biggest , and so on, down to the smallest.

Which is the smallest number out of -13 -117 -86 -205?

From smallest to biggest: -205 -117 -86 -13.