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Q: How can the last action perfromed be repeated?
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What is the 4 steps in the execution sequence of an After Action Review?

The four steps in an After Action Review are Initial Objective, Reality, What was Learned and Goals. These are then repeated until the lessons learned can be turned into learning experiments.

Why is 9 over 9 equal point 9 repeated?

actually anything divided by itself equals 1 .99999... (repeated infinity) is as close as you can get to 1 perhaps your calculator is rounding on the last digit

What is the answer for 135 divided by 22?


What is repeated notation?

When a Vulgar Fraction such as 2/3rds is converted to Decimal form, we get the answer 0.6666666 In other words, the number 6 gets repeated forever. Sometimes a Vulgar Fraction, when changed to Decimal form , gives a result such as 0.283283283283 These are both examples of repeated notation. When describing my second example , we would say ' 0.283 repeated' which means these figures will be repeated forever and you will never come to a stop. The quantity 1/7 = 0.142871428714287 and goes on forever, so we say the result is. 0.14287 repeated. Instead of writing the word repeated , some people place an asterisk just above, and very close to the last figure .

What is the divisibility rule for 234?

A number is divisible by 234 if:its last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8; andthe sum of its digits (the calculation repeated if required), is divisible by 9; andthe result of nine times the last digit subtracted from the number formed by the rest (the calculation repeated if required) is divisible by 13.

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Can the last action preformed be repeated in word?

Yes, the last action performed can be repeated.

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Yes. It indicates that an action is repeated. "He kicked the ball again."

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the act of repeating; repeated action, performance, production, or presentation

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