

What is repeated notation?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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When a Vulgar Fraction such as 2/3rds is converted to Decimal form, we get the answer 0.6666666 In other words, the number 6 gets repeated forever. Sometimes a Vulgar Fraction, when changed to Decimal form , gives a result such as 0.283283283283 These are both examples of repeated notation. When describing my second example , we would say ' 0.283 repeated' which means these figures will be repeated forever and you will never come to a stop. The quantity 1/7 = 0.142871428714287 and goes on forever, so we say the result is. 0.14287 repeated. Instead of writing the word repeated , some people place an asterisk just above, and very close to the last figure .

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To write repeated multiplication in an exponential notation, you should write the number that has to be multiplied as the base. Count the number of times that the number is used.

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Exponential notation is used to represent repeated multiplication of the same factor.

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................................................................._0.384333 using the bar notation = 0.3843(the bar should be placed above the repeated decimal. In this case, it should be above the 2nd 3 from the decimal point.

What is bar notation?

Bar notation is a decimal with a repeated number with a line on top of the repeated number. EX.) 4.23232323 would be 4.23 with a line over the 4.23. another... EX.) 5. 22222222222222 would be 5.22 with a line over the 5.22. Last one ... cut off after the second 7 put a line OVER the bolded 7 EX.) 7.907777777777 would be 7.9077 with a line over the 7.9077. that is bar notation :)

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7.3(3) The notation (3) indicates that the 3 is repeated over and over infinitely, as 1/3 is a nonterminating number in decimal.

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It is 0.6666 (6 repeated infinitely, usually shown as 0.66, with a bar notation above the 6). Typically this is rounded to either 0.67 or 0.667.

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All they are asking you to do is divide 142 by 3. 142/3 = 47.3 repeated. (Add the notation bar over it)

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0.225 Repeated, 0.225, 0.25 Repeated and 0.25.