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Q: How can we Proof by case to prove triangle inequality?
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What is the verb of the word proof?

Prove (verb). A prosecutor has to prove the defendant committed a crime. He presents the proof to the jury in order to prove his case.Another, job-specific verb form of proof is in my industry, journalism, where we will say "Would you proof this page?" In this case proof is a shortened version of the verb proofread. This probably is not in Webster's.

Who has the burden of proof?

"Beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal case, "A preponderance of the evidence" in a civil case. The advocate of a case always has the burden of proof - the prosecutor in a criminal case, the plaintiff in a civil case.

What is the difference between burden of proof and standard of proof?

Burden of proof is who has to prove the case by meeting or exceeding the standard of proof. In a criminal case, it's the prosecution. In a civil case, it's the plaintiff. Standard of proof is the unquantifiable amount of proof that must be shown. In criminal cases, it's beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil cases, it's a preponderance of the evidence.

Who has the burden of proof in fraud civil claims?

While the Law is an extremely complicated subject, and only an attorney is competent to say for sure, in general it is the responsibility of the accuser, or Plaintiff, to prove that what he/she says is true.

What is the burden of proof in percentage for a criminal case?

The burden in a criminal case is: "Proof beyond a REASONABLE doubt." Many people mistake this to mean proof beyond ALL doubt, but that is a mistaken understanding. There is no way to establish proof beyond ALL doubt, we can't even prove, beyond ALL doubt that God exists.

What is the burden of proof in a misdemeanor case?

In a misdemeanor case, the burden of proof is typically "beyond a reasonable doubt." This means that the prosecution must prove that the defendant is guilty of the crime charged to a high degree of certainty.

In the case of a tenancy where the landlord claims that the tenant has not paid and the tenant insists that he has- on whom does the burden of proof rest?

The burden is on the tenant to prove that they paid.

When you have to reverse the inequality sign?

The usual case is when you multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number.

With regard to onus of proof is this statement correct. in the case of disputes concerning agreements in restraint of trade the employee must prove the agreement is ureasonable?


How would you prove a sexual harassment case?

Excepted proof could be in the form of SMSs, taped phone calls or conversations or written requests for such liaisons.

What is the burden of proof in most civil cases?

Unlike a criminal case which requires "beyond a reasonable doubt," a civil case only requires a "preponderance of the evidence. " This is a much lower standard; the plaintiff must only prove their case to about 51 percent certainty.

How can you file a libel case?

A person can file a libel case by hiring an attorney. The attorney will decide if the person has enough proof to make a case. The attorney will usually need witness statements, documents, and other things to prove the case before filing.