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Q: How can we find provisional mean?
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What do you mean by provisional list?

provisional list means you are temporarily selected for next round

Why is arithmetic mean called a provisional average?

Because the mean is the average number. To find the average (or mean), add all numbers and divide by how many numbers you added. Example: 2, 3, 4, 6 Add: 2+2+4+8=16 Divide: 16/4= 4 4 is the mean or provisional average

Where can someone find information on provisional driver insurance?

One can find information on provisional driver insurance through the Insurance Learner Driver website. There one can find full details and get a quote.

What does being a provisional patient mean?

Being a provisional patient, you have a diagnosis that is not 100 percent certain and confirmed. The diagnosis is based on the information available to your health professional.

What happens in a game of golf when you lose the first ball you hit and then find it after you've hit a drop provisional?

You hit a provisional when the ball you just hit might be lost outside of a hazard. Usually that means you think you have hit it out of bounds or into some sort of mess where it's unlikely that you will find it. Hitting a provisional means that you are taking stroke and distance IF you don't find your first ball. If you find your first ball anywhere in play (whether or not you like where it is or even if it's unplayable) before you hit your provisional after reaching where the ball is likely to be, then the provisional is cancelled and you continue with your first ball, just as though you never hit the provisional. Once you've reached the point where your ball probably is and hit the provisional again, you're stuck with the provisional and the stroke and distance penalty that you took. This is covered in Rule 27-2, see There are many interesting decisions related to this one, mostly about what constitutes a "lost" ball.

What do you mean by provisionalism?

provisional list means you are temporarily selected for next round

What do you do if you lose your provisional?

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What is provisional appropriation?

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A provisional driver is provisional for how long?

A provisional driver is one until they complete the full requirements.

What is the definition of provisional government?

A government that is formed temporarily until a permanent one is created

What does Type PG mean on Driver's License?

It stands for Provisional Gratis in the Graduated Licensing System

Can a provisional driver drive another provisional driver?
