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Q: How can write down an equation here?
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What is the answer to an equation problem?

you have to write down the equation first so people can answer it

How to write an equation?

Write down any two mathematical expressions, making sure that at least one of them contains an unknown quantity, and write the statement saying that they're equal to each other.

How do you you do math?

1.) write down question 2.) cry. 1) Read the question through until you understand it 2) Find out what it asking you to solve for 3) Write down what is given like equations, variables, constant like pi. ...etc 4) Write down what your solving for. 5) Setup your solution to the problem by doing the following : A) Write : " Given:" B) what equation you are using to solve it C) any constant like pi, e, 10^...etc D) what you are solving for. E) Write: "Step 1:" 5) Write down your equation, you are using to solve it. 6) Do you have to rearrange the equation to get what you are solving for? If so than do it. Show it in step 1 and use it instead of other Write out what math operation you are using to solve it in each of the step by step operation When you finally get your answer for it, do a proof or check for it. Write : " Proof or check" Write down the original equation Replace the found variable with the answer you got for Do the step by step operation and writing down what math operation you are using. If it equals than write : "It checks and equals ". If not - Backtrack to find your error, correct it, redo the proof again until it equals Move on to the next problem.

How do you solve 9X plus 7 equals 4X - 8?

Here are the steps: -- Write the equation. -- Subtract 7 from each side of the equation. -- Subtract 4x from each side. -- Divide each side by 5.

How to write an equation for a graph?

It depends on the graph. There may or may not be an equation.

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What is an answer to an equation?

you have to write down the equation first so people can answer it

What is the answer to an equation problem?

you have to write down the equation first so people can answer it

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Because there is no such thing as "aliner" equation.

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You are sad enough to write that on here.

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The best equation for force is F = ma, where F is the force, m is the mass of an object, and a is the acceleration of the object. This equation is derived from Newton's second law of motion and is fundamental in understanding the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.

How many categories vagetables?

Vegetables can be categorized into five main groups: root vegetables (e.g. carrots, potatoes), leafy vegetables (e.g. spinach, lettuce), bulb vegetables (e.g. onions, garlic), stem vegetables (e.g. asparagus, celery), and flower vegetables (e.g. broccoli, cauliflower).

Write down the equation for the complete combustion of coalrepresented as carbon in a power station?

C + O2 -> CO2

Can you write the equation out?

Yes, you can write an equation out in words. This is often done to make clear what the equation in numerals is.

How do you write a total ionic equation and a molecular equation from a net equation The net is the only one supplied. i have to come up with the other two. im lost?

To write a total ionic equation from a net ionic equation, start by breaking down the compounds into their respective ions (if they are ionic compounds) and including only the ions that participate in the reaction. To write a molecular equation, simply write out the complete chemical equation including all reactants and products without breaking them down into ions. Remember, a net ionic equation shows only the ions that participate in the reaction, whereas a total ionic equation includes all ions involved.

Write down the reaction equation of Zn2 plus and EDTA?

The reaction equation between Zn^2+ and EDTA is: Zn^2+ + EDTA → Zn(EDTA)^2-