

How do you you do math?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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9y ago

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1.) write down question

2.) cry.

1) Read the question through until you understand it

2) Find out what it asking you to solve for

3) Write down what is given like equations, variables, constant like pi. ...etc

4) Write down what your solving for.

5) Setup your solution to the problem by doing the following :

A) Write : " Given:"

B) what equation you are using to solve it

C) any constant like pi, e, 10^...etc

D) what you are solving for.

E) Write: "Step 1:"

5) Write down your equation, you are using to solve it.

6) Do you have to rearrange the equation to get what you are solving for? If so than do it. Show it in step 1 and use it instead of other

Write out what math operation you are using to solve it in each of the step by step operation

When you finally get your answer for it, do a proof or check for it.

Write : " Proof or check"

Write down the original equation

Replace the found variable with the answer you got for

Do the step by step operation and writing down what math operation you are using.

If it equals than write : "It checks and equals ".

If not - Backtrack to find your error, correct it, redo the proof again until it equals

Move on to the next problem.

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9y ago
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