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Take any three vectors in a plane which, when placed end-to-end form a triangle. The resultant of the three vectors will be zero.

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Q: How can you add three vectors of equal magnitude in a plane such as their resultant is zero?
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Can three vectors of equal magnitude be combined to give a zero resultant?

Yes, put the three vectors in a plane, with a separation of 120 degrees between each vector and each of the other vectors.

Can three vectors not in one plane give zero resultant?

No. For three vectors they must all lie in the same plane. Consider 2 vectors first. For them to resolve to zero, they must be in opposite direction and equal magnitude. So they will lie along the same line. For 3 vectors: take two of them. Any two vectors will lie in the same plane, and their resultant vector will also lie in that plane. Find the resultant of the first two vectors, and the third vector must be along the same line (equal magnitude, opposite direction), in order to result to zero. Since the third vector is along the same line as the resultant vector of the first two, then it must be in the same plane as the resultant of the first two. Therefore it lies in the same plane as the first two.

He vector sum of three vectors gives a zero resultant what can be orientation of the vectors?

The orientation of the three vectors that sum to zero must be coplanar, contained in the same common plane, including being contained in a common line in a plane.

Can 4 vectors not in a plane give zero resultant?

Yes if you put them "head to tail" and the head of the fourth one points to the tail of the first one the resultant is zero.

What is the difference between coplanar and non-coplanar vectors?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.

Related questions

Can three vectors of equal magnitude be combined to give a zero resultant?

Yes, put the three vectors in a plane, with a separation of 120 degrees between each vector and each of the other vectors.

Can three vectors not in one plane give zero resultant?

No. For three vectors they must all lie in the same plane. Consider 2 vectors first. For them to resolve to zero, they must be in opposite direction and equal magnitude. So they will lie along the same line. For 3 vectors: take two of them. Any two vectors will lie in the same plane, and their resultant vector will also lie in that plane. Find the resultant of the first two vectors, and the third vector must be along the same line (equal magnitude, opposite direction), in order to result to zero. Since the third vector is along the same line as the resultant vector of the first two, then it must be in the same plane as the resultant of the first two. Therefore it lies in the same plane as the first two.

Ten vectors together add to give a zero resultant it is possible that nine of these vectors are on the same plane but the tenth is not on this plane?

Yes, it is possible for nine vectors to lie in the same plane while the tenth vector is not on that plane. This situation can occur when the vectors in the plane add up to a resultant that cancels out or balances the out-of-plane vector, resulting in a zero net sum.

Can three vectors not lying in plane give zero resultant?

Yes, three vectors that do not lie in the same plane can give a zero resultant if they form a closed triangle. This can happen when the vectors cancel each other out due to their directions and magnitudes.

Can three vectors lying in plane give zero resultant?

yes the resultant of the two vectors can be can be illustrated by drawing following diagram.a triangle may be considered as a vector diagram in which the force polygon close and the resultant of the three vectors is zero.

When two vectors are acting at a point along different directions how do we determine magnitude and direction of the resultant?

To find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector, you can use the parallelogram law of vector addition. Add the two vectors together to form a parallelogram, then the diagonal of the parallelogram represents the resultant vector. The magnitude can be calculated using trigonometry, and the direction can be determined using angles or components.

He vector sum of three vectors gives a zero resultant what can be orientation of the vectors?

The orientation of the three vectors that sum to zero must be coplanar, contained in the same common plane, including being contained in a common line in a plane.

A novice pilot sets a plane's controls thinking the plane will fly at 2.5 X 102 kmh to the north if the wind blows at 75 kmh toward the southeast what is the plane's resultant velocity?

The plane's resultant velocity can be found by adding the vectors of the plane's velocity and the wind's velocity. The plane's velocity to the north is 2.5 x 10^2 km/h, and the wind's velocity toward the southeast is 75 km/h. Using vector addition, the resultant velocity will be a combination of these two velocities.

Under what condition the sum of three vectors will be zero?

The sum of three vectors will be zero if they can form a closed triangle when arranged tip-to-tail. This means the vectors must have magnitudes and directions that cancel each other out to form a closed loop with no resultant vector.

What is the difference between scalar and vector products of two vectors?

The scalar product (dot product) of two vectors results in a scalar quantity, representing the magnitude of the projection of one vector onto the other. The vector product (cross product) of two vectors results in a vector quantity that is perpendicular to the plane formed by the two input vectors, with a magnitude equal to the area of the parallelogram they span.

Can 4 vectors not in a plane give zero resultant?

Yes if you put them "head to tail" and the head of the fourth one points to the tail of the first one the resultant is zero.

What is the difference between vectors and non-vectors?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.