You can trust your teacher in anything so just talk to him/her and face them in the eye
You can approach the teacher in a respectful manner and say something like, "I have a personal problem that is affecting my ability to focus in class. Would it be possible to schedule a time to speak with you privately about it? I would appreciate any guidance or support you can offer."
Your teacher can help you with fractions. Ask for extra worksheets and problems to solve. Your peers can also help you work problems.
You should pay attention in class, do all your homework, and ask for help when you need it. Ask a teacher or talk to someone about questions on you current assignment. If you are having a problem understanding certain operations, do extra examples that aren't included in your homework until it makes sense to you.
You need to talk to your teacher about that. Otherwise, if your teacher finds out you have the answers, she or he might think you are trying to cheat. If you are having problems, ask you friends or teacher for some help.
2x3=6 you must learn your time tables , ask your mom or dad or your teacher to help you.
If there is someone in your vicinity who is good in solving algebra problems or when you ask for help online ,then yes....
Ask a teacher
ask your teacher.....
Ummm.... Your question doesnt even make sense. I think you should get help from a communicator because the person who answered your question was an idiot and so are you please get help from a teacher with your grammar remember Smile Laugh Enjoy
You can read your textbook. You can ask your teacher for extra help. You can hire a tutor. You can check out online algebra websites. You can ask each problem here on WikiAnswers and see if anyone knows the answer.
There is a reason why you failed the test. Find out what it is. If you did not study enough, then you know you have to study more. If you do not understand the subject matter, then you have to seek help (a teacher, friend, tutor, library etc.). If it is because of personal problems then see a guidance counselor. No one is going to seek you out. You have to make yourself known. Seek help and you will find it. Remember this for the future; The time to ask for help is when you think there is going to be a problem, not after it occurs.There is a reason why you failed the test. Find out what it is. If you did not study enough, then you know you have to study more. If you do not understand the subject matter, then you have to seek help (a teacher, friend, tutor, library etc.). If it is because of personal problems then see a guidance counselor. No one is going to seek you out. You have to make yourself known. Seek help and you will find it. Remember this for the future; The time to ask for help is when you think there is going to be a problem, not after it occurs.There is a reason why you failed the test. Find out what it is. If you did not study enough, then you know you have to study more. If you do not understand the subject matter, then you have to seek help (a teacher, friend, tutor, library etc.). If it is because of personal problems then see a guidance counselor. No one is going to seek you out. You have to make yourself known. Seek help and you will find it. Remember this for the future; The time to ask for help is when you think there is going to be a problem, not after it occurs.There is a reason why you failed the test. Find out what it is. If you did not study enough, then you know you have to study more. If you do not understand the subject matter, then you have to seek help (a teacher, friend, tutor, library etc.). If it is because of personal problems then see a guidance counselor. No one is going to seek you out. You have to make yourself known. Seek help and you will find it. Remember this for the future; The time to ask for help is when you think there is going to be a problem, not after it occurs.There is a reason why you failed the test. Find out what it is. If you did not study enough, then you know you have to study more. If you do not understand the subject matter, then you have to seek help (a teacher, friend, tutor, library etc.). If it is because of personal problems then see a guidance counselor. No one is going to seek you out. You have to make yourself known. Seek help and you will find it. Remember this for the future; The time to ask for help is when you think there is going to be a problem, not after it occurs.There is a reason why you failed the test. Find out what it is. If you did not study enough, then you know you have to study more. If you do not understand the subject matter, then you have to seek help (a teacher, friend, tutor, library etc.). If it is because of personal problems then see a guidance counselor. No one is going to seek you out. You have to make yourself known. Seek help and you will find it. Remember this for the future; The time to ask for help is when you think there is going to be a problem, not after it occurs.
How am I supposed to know when I don't have your textbook? Ask a friend or a teacher for help.
Everywhere. Honestly anywhere you go you can ask people for help. If you like better training you can get a personal tutor or take a specific class with a teacher.
You start off by finding the problem and writing the essay, unless you need a thesis statement.. but Just work it ou then ask your teacher and he/she will be able to help you
Everywhere. Honestly anywhere you go you can ask people for help. If you like better training you can get a personal tutor or take a specific class with a teacher.
ask a teacher for help. make sure ask when the teacher is not really stressed. i am sure they would love to help.
Get a teacher to help you then you wonβt have trouble with your math.