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-- Multiply the first averages by the number of observation for each set of these.

-- Add up the sets of averages.

-- Divide the sum by the total number of observations (Add cardinaility of each set).

-- The result is the average of the averages.

If you say have 4 "average" value and just add these, and divide by 4, the result is "unfair" because average may be of 3 observations, while another of 1000. So, to "compensate" and make every observation just as valuable, you re-generate the "sum of sums" and then divide by the total number of observations.

If all sets are the same you can divide by number of observations.

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14y ago

adding up all the data and then dividing the sum by the number of data you had (for example, the average of the numbers 1, 2, and 3 is 1+2+3=6/3=2)

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It is also an average. It is usually a better measure of the average value of the characteristic that is being measured.

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Average = Total/Count so Total = Average*Count.

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No, a sum of averages is NOT as accurate as the average of the whole. For example: A=avg (1,10) = 5.5 B=avg (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) = 1 avg(A,B) = 3.25 [Average of averages] avg(1,1,1,1,1,1,10) = 2.29 [The original data set]

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A Mean is a type of average, but there are other kinds of averages too, Modes and Medians.

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3 major stock INDEXES, not averages, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), NASDAQ, and S&P 500.

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