

Why cant you average an average?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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you cant find an average, because NO-ONE kicks at exactly the same amount of speed and force as any other person.

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it means someone who is saying somthing in the name of science it self!in English they are using big words most average people cant understand!

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Average is about 5.4inches to 6.7 inches. You cant do anything to make it bigger so just be happy with what you have

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about 3of 4 but there real smal so u cant tased them!!

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depends on how fast your writing. but still i cant imagine it being that hot!

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You cant get an ENTER score for a subject, it is known as a study score which is out of 50. Pretty sure the average study score for accounting is around 30-32.

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What is the average bmi of a 15 years old?

Cant tell you that, but i know i website who does. Go to google and type bmi calculator for kids.