Incomplete information: Always make sure the graph contains 'all' the information that demonstrates the circumstance that you are attempting to display.
Incorrect information: Always ensure that the information that you gatherered is accurate.
1) By accident or carelessness, 2) on purpose, because somebody wants to mislead others (for example, to influence public opinion in a certain direction).
Graphs can mislead people by the way they are prepared. See related links for good examples of misleading graphs. When you see a graph, you are seeing a summary of the data. Sometimes our data is misleading, so the graph is just presenting misleading data. For example, I show a graph of how much men and women make each year at a company. I see men make more every year, while women just stay about the same. Perhaps the company just has one woman working there. Perhaps in her job, there are no salary increases. I can also not start the y-axis at zero, to exagerrate the differences. A chart should include all the data. Excluding some data can result in a misleading graph. However, in a graph showing changes over period of time, the preparer of the graph has to chose how long a period is relavent. If we are explaining global warming, a plot showing 100 years might be good. But a graph of car accidents per year, perhaps 5 years is more reasonable.
A trend on a graph shows the rising and falling of a subject's popularity. For example, a graph can show a trend in the type of clothing that are being sold or food.
They depend on what is being graphed and in the level of detail of the information.
The slope of a line on a position vs. time graph would represent the a velocity of the object being described.
A line graph can mislead when the numbers that they graph goes up by are small so it seems like it goes up a lot but really, it isn't improving.
In a graph, breaks should typically be avoided as they can mislead viewers and distort the data representation. Instead, consider using two separate graphs or axes to clearly present the data without breaks.
a picture graph is an actual picture of the item being graphed and a picto graph is a symbol of the item being graphed
1) By accident or carelessness, 2) on purpose, because somebody wants to mislead others (for example, to influence public opinion in a certain direction).
A "Judas goat" is utilized to mislead the sheep.
of Misle, of Mislead, imp. & p. p. of Mislead.
The past participle of "mislead" is "misled."
Mislead Youth was created on 2005-07-19.
The past tense for "mislead" is "misled."
The article mislead readers into believing false information about the incident.
Yes it's illegal to mislead a tenant. There are certain ways you could get out of it, if you did mislead him, but didn't out rightly lie to him. If it can be proven that you purposely did mislead him than it's illegal just like misleading anyone else.
To effectively title a graph for clear communication and understanding, use a concise and descriptive title that clearly conveys the main idea or purpose of the graph. Make sure the title is specific and relevant to the data being presented, and avoid using vague or ambiguous language. Additionally, consider including units of measurement and any important context or information that will help readers interpret the graph accurately.