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MRS of 12,3 and 6,9

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Q: How can you calculate MRS between two points on indifference curve?
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What is the different between indifference map and indiffirence curve?

Indifference curve is a curve that shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction. Indifference map, on the other hand Indifference curve is a graph of two or more indifference curves.

Why does an indifference curve never meet?

No indifference curve can intersect because all points on indifference curve are ranked equally prefered and ranked either or less more prefered than every other point on the curve.rt

What is indifference Curve?

indifference curve is the graphical representation of the bundles of commodities for a given income level or budget that yields equal satisfaction at all the points.

Distinguish between indifference curve and isoquants?

indifference curve is a combination of two commodities. where as, isoquant curve shows a relationship between of variable factor i.e. labour and fixed factor i.e. capital.

What is the Difference between Income consumption curve and expansion path curve?

income expansion curve The ICC is a line that is formed when many indifference curves are seen and their attainable points are plotted. The line that is formed by connecting these points is the ICC. The expansion path is the same concept, but for isoquants. Isoqants being the two inputs that are needed in production. indifference curves are from consumer theory that a person has to choose between two goods.

What is the tangent between a budget constraint and an indifference curve on an indifference map?

It is the equilibrium point of utility maximization.

What is difference between indifference curve and budget line?

budget line shows purchasing power of an consumer but indifference curve show willingness of consumer for two commodities.

Features of indifference curve?

two indifference curve never cut each other..

What is the relationship between indifference curve and budget constraint?

The tangency point of Indifference curve and budget line shows the Marginal Rate of Substitution between X and Y commodities. Consumer's equilibrium is achieved at that point.

Can a single indifference curve cross itself?

a single indifference curve cannot cross itself.

What is shape of indifference curve?

what will be the shape of indifference curve if one of the two goods is a free commodity

What are the major characteristics of an indifference curve?

The three major characteristics of an indifference curve are: 1. They are negatively sloped 2. They are convex to the origin 3. Indifference curve cannot be intersected