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That would be 28 meters per second. Wow that's fast. That's 62.63 miles per hour.

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Q: How can you calculate the speed of a cheetah that runs 140 meters in 5 seconds?
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Calculate the average speed in ms of a cheetah that runs 140 meters in 5 seconds?

The average speed of the cheetah can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, 140 meters / 5 seconds = 28 meters per second. Thus, the cheetah's average speed is 28 m/s.

What is the speed of a cheetah that travels a total of 112 meters in 4 seconds?

Distance = Rate * Timeso,Rate(speed) = Distance/Time= 112 meters/4 seconds= 28 meters/second

How much time does it take the cheetah to travel 500 meters if its average speed is 70 meters per second?

7.14 seconds.

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0.1 x 3600/5 = 72 kph

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What is the average speed of a cheetah that sprints in 50 meters in 2 seconds?

Its average speed is 50 meters per 2 seconds. The rate can also be expressed as "25 meters per second", "90 kilometers per hour", or "approximately 56 miles per hour".

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How do you calculate the average speed without knowing the speed only the time?

To calculate the average speed of /anything/ you need to know the distance it traveled (IE: 500 meters) and the time it took to travel that (IE:50 seconds) Here's how to calculate it: You take the total distance and divide it by the time. So in our example, a car traveled 500 meters in 50 seconds, so the speed would be: 500 meters / 50 seconds = 500/50 = 10 meters / second. So the car would be traveling 10 meters per second. Happy calculating -jp

A van was driven for 20 seconds at a speed of 30 meters per second - calculate the distance traveled?

Speed = 30 mpsTime = 20sDistance = speed * timeDistance = 30 * 20 = 600 meters.

How many seconds does it take to get a cheetah at top speed?

It takes at least 3 seconds for them to reach there full speed.

What is the speed of a cheetah that travel 75 meters in 3 seconds?

My daddy is Zlon and he f**k me in the a$s every night

How do you calculate seconds when given meters per second?

You can't convert between seconds, and meters/second. If you have a problem that involves speeds, use the formula: distance = speed x time.