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Q: How can you check for a gun if is stolen or hot in the us?
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Is this gun stolen MP125425?

First, the general public does not have access to the NCIC database of stolen firearms. Second, without more information, we cannot even state what kind of gun that is. A serial number is not unique to only one gun in the world. Your local law enforcement officers may be able to help, but they will want to have the gun in hand when checking it (in case it IS stolen)

How can you check if your gun bought at a gun show is dirty?

From a previous question, I understand that you are concerned that a gun you purchased may have been used in a crime. First, buying a gun at a gun show really has no greater chance of that being so than buying a gun at a dealer's shop, or buying one from a local private seller. You had asked about registration- in MOST of the US, there IS no registration of ordinary rifles, pistol, and shotguns. There is also no way of knowing if a random gun was used in a crime. If you are concerned with a firearm having been stolen, contact your local police department, and ask if they will check your guns serial number against the computer listing of stolen property. They will usually want to have possession of the firearm when they do that.

What is the maker of a gun if patent number is E42550?

You will have to check with the US Patent Office

Why do you have to have a gun background check?

In the US, it is illegal for some people to own a gun- convicted felons, persons that are mentally incompetent, etc. The background check is to insure that you are not a prohibited person.

Can you buy a gun with no permit?

Depends on where you are. In MOST of the US, there is no requirement to have a permit to buy a gun. You must be an adult and pass a background check.

Gun murders per day in the US?

Check the FBI Uniform Crime Report

How do you find out if the a gun is registard?

First, find out if there is a process to register guns where you are. There is no gun registration in most of the US. If registration IS required, then check with the agency that handles that.

How can you find out if a handgun you purchased at a flea market is stolen or who it used to belong to without calling the police?

If you are in the US, there is no central registration to keep track of a gun's current or previous owners. The police can check some databases to find lists of firearms reported stolen, but many cannot be identified because the person who owned it didn't know the serial number (and often not even the manufacturer, model or even caliber).

To check to see if a firearm is stolen?

Contact your local law enforcement agency.If the owner reported it stolen and could provide the serial number, most likely the gun was entered into the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) database. Any law enforcement officer should be able to query the database to see if the gun is entered. If the owner could not provide the serial number, or it was filed off, chances are it will be much harder to trace.************Please note- US law makes it a serious crime to possessany firearm which had had a serial number removed or defaced.

Where do you check to see if a gun is stolen?

Call your local law enforcement office and ask them to run it through NCIC for you. They will need the serial number, manufacturer, model, and caliber. This is important, since the same number may have been used by different manufacturers. In some cases you will be required to take the gun to the law enforcement office so that they may confiscate the firearm if it is stolen.The state of Florida offers an online database of stolen firearms to the general public but it only contains firearms stolen in the state of Florida. Firearms stolen in other states will not result in a positive match.Another option is user submitted databases. Such databases are not all encompassing as they are not linked with NCIC, but still worth a look.

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How do you find guns registered?

had some shotguns stolen . . . . need to get the serial numbers If you are the original owner and you don't have them, unless the gun dealer you rpurchased them from recorded them in his records, you are out of luck. (in the US) there is no required "registration" of firearms with the government.