The third scale degree is called the mediant.
It depends on the context - academic qualification, measure of temperature (on which scale), measure of angle, measure of power (of polynomial) and possibly classification of murder/homicide or burns.
All three types of the minor scale have a half step between scale degree 2 and scale degree 3. The Dorian mode also has a half step between those two scale degrees.
The leading tone in a scale is the 7th scale degree, one half-step below the tonic.
45 degree - if the question concerns an angle. If it is temperature, the answer depends on the scale.
With great care.You will need a large scale, professional, protractor to mark out an angle of 13.8 degrees.
A 1 degree rise in the Celsius scale is equivalent to a 1.8 degree rise in the Fahrenheit scale. Therefore, a 1 degree increase in Fahrenheit is greater than in Celsius.
The Fujita scale is not a physical thing that you construct; it is a system of rating tornado, though you could perhaps make a poster of it. See the link below for a table.
A variable scale uses a set of adjustable accordion-like compasses to compute the distances between points on a map or diagram.
The tonic in any scale is the 1st scale degree. For example, in the key of F major, the tonic is F.
The third scale degree is called the mediant.
It depends on the context - academic qualification, measure of temperature (on which scale), measure of angle, measure of power (of polynomial) and possibly classification of murder/homicide or burns.
An angle of 27 degrees is an acute angle
The Mixolydian Mode is a structure built on the fifth degree of the major scale (originally called the Ionian Mode). The formula to the Mixolydian mode is to add one flat or subtract one sharp from the key.As a straight comparison to the Major Scale you lower the seventh degree (in solfege, the "ti" note is lowered to a "to").Major:D E F# G A B C# DMixolydian:D E F# G A B C D