

Best Answer

There is no way to do this with two pieces. You can do it with 4 (making each 3 by 2)

The only way is by having three pieces....

note: The total area is the same so it has to be possible (24sf)

2 cuts total (3 pieces):


1st: Cut the board into two pieces. Making one piece 8'x2 the other piece then is 8'x1'.

2nd: Cut the 8'x1' piece into half making two 4'x1' pieces.

3rd: Place the two 4'x1' pieces together to make it 4'x2'.

4th: Place the 8'x2' & new 4'x2' pieces together for your desired dimension, 12'x2'

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Q: How can you cut an 8 foot by 3 foot board into two pieces so that both pieces together cover a 12 foot by 2 foot hole?
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How can you cut a 8 foot by 3 foot board into two pieces so that both pieces together cover a 12 foot by 2 foot board?

With the board with the 3 ft edge towards you mark 1 ft from the right hand edge. 4 ft along the right hand edge mark in 1 ft. Join the 1 ft marks.Turn the board around so that the other 3 ft ends is towards you and repeat the markings.Now join the ends of the lines at the centre of the board (with should be 1 ft long).Now cut along the lines.Shift the right hand piece up and left so that the cut edge is on top of the 8 ft length to create a board almost* 12 ft by 2 ft:========================|...................................................................|..............................===================================|..................................===========|..................................|...................................................................|...............................||...............................|................................|...........==>...............|..................................============...............................||===========..................................|..................................|...............................|..................................................................||...................................................................|..................................===========================================================* If you use a saw to cut the board, you will lose some of the board into sawdust.

How are checkers and chess alike?

both games require two people to play, the object is to get as many things out as possible, there are two different colors, you move the pieces, you play on a board, you have to think of a stratigy :)

How many pieces are there if you cut an eighty inch ribbon and a thirty two inch object into equal pieces?

In order for there to be equal pieces, the length of the pieces must be factors of both the length of the ribbon and the object. Thus, there are actually many answers. For example: 2,4,6,8, and 16 inch pieces both work.

A 42 foot board is cut into two pieces. Four times the shorter piece is equal to the sum of the longer piece and thirteen. Find the lengths of both pieces.?

Using algebra it works out that the lengths are 8.4 feet and 33.6 feet because 4*(8.4) = 33.6 and 8.4+33.6 = 42 feet

A bullentin board is 36 in long a chalkboard is 48 in long how many feet long are both items?

bullentin board is 3 feet, chalk board is 4 feet,

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How can you cut a 8 foot by 3 foot board into two pieces so that both pieces together cover a 12 foot by 2 foot board?

With the board with the 3 ft edge towards you mark 1 ft from the right hand edge. 4 ft along the right hand edge mark in 1 ft. Join the 1 ft marks.Turn the board around so that the other 3 ft ends is towards you and repeat the markings.Now join the ends of the lines at the centre of the board (with should be 1 ft long).Now cut along the lines.Shift the right hand piece up and left so that the cut edge is on top of the 8 ft length to create a board almost* 12 ft by 2 ft:========================|...................................................................|..............................===================================|..................................===========|..................................|...................................................................|...............................||...............................|................................|...........==>...............|..................................============...............................||===========..................................|..................................|...............................|..................................................................||...................................................................|..................................===========================================================* If you use a saw to cut the board, you will lose some of the board into sawdust.

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