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Rational numbers={a/b| a,b∈Z, b ≠ 0}.

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What are the advantages of using powers of ten notation?

Using power-of-notation makes it easy to multiply numbers.

What notation is a way to write numbers using powers of ten?

Decimal notation is.

What is an irrational number that is also rational?

Numbers are either irrational (like the square root of 2 or pi) or rational (can be stated as a fraction using whole numbers). Irrational numbers are never rational.

What does a word problem using rational number and its solution mean?

It means that either the numbers involved in the word problem are all rational or that any irrational numbers are being approximated by rational numbers.

Is 1.25 a real number?

Yes, it is. Moreover, it is also a rational number. 1.25 * 4 = 5, so 1.25 = 5/4. All rational numbers are real numbers, so 1.25 is real. Any number you can think of, using decimal notation is real. Real numbers are allowed to have an infinity of digits (behind the decimal point).

What is the disadvantage of using scientific notation?

If you are adding or subtracting two numbers in scientific notation, you must rewrite one of the numbers to the same power of ten as the other, before performing the addition (or subtraction).

Is the quotient of two nonzero numbers always a rational number?

Yes, as long as the two nonzero numbers are themselves rational. (Since a rational number is any number that can be expressed as the quotient of two rational numbers, or any number that can be written as a fraction using only rational numbers.) If one of the nonzero numbers is not rational, the quotient will most likely be irrational.

What is the point of using scientific notation?

The point of using scientific notation is to compute very large or very small numbers.

How can you define the absolute value of a rational number using the number line?

It is the distance from the origin to the number in question.

What does binary number 1111000 convert to in decimal numbers?

111100002 equals 24010 using unsigned notation. It equals -1610 using signed notation.

Why do exponents need to be the same when using scientific notation?

Only if the numbers to be converted into scientific notation are the same otherwise the exponents can vary according to the size the numbers.