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you divide them into the number you are using

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Q: How can you explain stability factor?
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The nuclear shell model is based on the idea that protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom are organized into energy levels, or shells. When these shells are filled with the correct number of nucleons, the nucleus is more stable due to a lower overall energy. This stability is the result of the nucleons occupying quantum energy levels that minimize their energy and make the nucleus less likely to undergo changes such as nuclear decay.

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Answer this question… Ecosystem stability

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84 factor is

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What is factor affecting stability of arch of foot?

Ligaments are factors that affect the stability of the foot. The spring ligament, deltoid ligament, and talocalcaneal interosseous ligament are most important for arch stability.

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The most important factor is economic and political stability. It is important to review the country's stability over the preceding few years.

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