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Let 'a' and 'b' be the length of one side and diagonal of a square.

Pythagorus's theorem as applied to a square: a^2 + a^2 = b^2.

Substituting a = 2 into the equation, we have b^2 = 2^2 + 2^2 = 8.

b = sqrt(8) = 2 * sqrt(2).



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Q: How can you express in radical form the length of the diagonal of a square whose sides are each 2?
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What is the hisrtory of radical in math?

It is believed that it arose as the measure of the diagonal of the unit square. By Pythagoras's theorem, the square of this length was 2, but when it turned out that this was not a rational number, it was expressed as a radical.

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In the simplest case, it is use to find the diagonal length of a unit square.

How do you find the length of a diagonal of a square in simplest radical form'?

By using Pythagoras: diagonal2 = side2 + side2 = side2 x 2 => diagonal = side x √2

How is the length of a diagonal of a square found?

As a square has right angles, the diagonal forms a right triangle with two of the sides of the square. Therefore use Pythagoras: diagonal² = side² + side² → diagonal² = 2side² → diagonal = side × √2 Therefore to find the length of the diagonal of a square, multiply the side length of a square by the square root of 2.

How do you find the side of a square if you know its diagonal?

Divide the length of the diagonal of a square by 1.4142 (which is the square root of 2) to find the length of a side. Similarly, to find the length of the diagonal of a square, multiply the length of a side by 1.4142.

What is the length of the diagonal of a square with a side length of 5 in?

The diagonal length = 7.07 inches.

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The diagonal length of a square with a 900 square foot area is: 42.43 feet.

What is a real world example of a radical function?

The diagonal of a unit square, for example, is radical(2).

How to calculate diagonal of square?

If the length of a side of the square is S units then the diagonal is S*sqrt(2) units in length.

When you know the sum of lengths of diagonal of a square how to find each diagonal?

To find the length of each diagonal of a square, divide the sum of the diagonal lengths by 2. Since a square has two diagonals of equal length, this division will give you the length of each diagonal.