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Q: How can you find boyss?
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What would boys in Hitler youth learn?

=the bOyss learnt how to fight and how to be obeyed from others=

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BOYSS ARE NOT LOVING! they're stinky. and grossss.

Would a girl date a boy 2 years younger than her?

yess some gurls do thatt butt ehtts bettter for the boyss to date a girl 2 years younger than them :)

What does the web stand for in web Dubois?

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (pronounced /duːˈbɔɪs/ doo-BOYSS;[1] February 23, 1868 - August 27, 1963) was an American civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, historian, author, and editor. [wikpedia]

What capital only has one syllable?

Boise, IdahoBoise is pronounced "BOYSS" in Oklahoma, but it's not the capital. In Idaho,it's the capital, but they call it "BOY-zee". So that's not the answer.Pierre is "PEE-AIR" in France. But in South Dakota, where it's the capital,they call it "PEER". So I'll say that Pierre, South Dakota is the answer.Rome

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i was on my cousins facebook n my cousins friends with my sister but not withh this boy so i looked at my sisters fb n wrote in the boyss name n he wasint on her friends list so thenn i looked at the boys fb n wrote in my sisters namee n she was on his friends list though so doess this mean they are or arint friends on fb..please answer this is veryy important

What are nice girl names?

Girls; mia (mee-a or my-a), Rose, Lilly, Aimee, Amy, Emma, Katie, Caitlyn, Lucie, Amelia, Saffron, Paytin, Suzanna Eleanor is OK too but can be boring, but its quite nice :] Boyss: Will, James, Harry, Tom, Cameron, Fabian

A boyss assks a girl her namw the girl says her name is behind her scooty behind the scooty is written as

her name is SONI. Write all the digits before the decimal in words,now check the letter position which is after the decimal,for Eg: 6.1, SIX the letter at position one is S2.3 TWO letter at 3rd position is O,1.2 ONE letter at 2nd position is N and finally 5.2 FIVE letter at 2nd position is I.SONI is her name.

How do you pronounce Dubois?

"The pronunciation of my name is Due Boyss, with the accent on the last syllable." -David Levering Lewis W.E.B. DuBois, Biography of a Race, p. 11 The quote above comes from just one person with this surname. It should be noted that name pronunciation is a matter of personal preference. Different people pronounce their surnames differently, regardless of the common origin of the name. If one were to go back two hundred years in the past, another pronunciation may well be in evidence. This word/name can also be pronounced Doo-Bwah or Due-Bwah with the accent on the last syllable, or Doo-Boy or Due-Boy, also accenting the last syllable.

How do you find inspiration?

when you find your self, you will find inspiration.

What is the future tense of find?

The future tense of "find" is "will find." For example, "I will find my keys."

What does the binocular icon in the Excel worksheet window mean?

It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.It is the icon for the Find command.