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a=s/t, and s=d/t, so if we substitute... a = (d/t)/t --> a = d/t2

You must know both the acceleration and time in order to solve for the distance travelled.

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Q: How can you find distance traveled when you are given the acceleration?
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How do you find distance given acceleration and speed?

acceleration times speed

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How do you find the distance if only the final velocity and the acceleration is given?

You can find the distance using the equation: distance = (final velocity)^2 / (2 * acceleration). Square the final velocity, divide it by twice the acceleration to get the distance traveled before coming to a stop.

How do you calculate distance traveled with force mass and time?

Distance traveled can be calculated using the formula: distance = 0.5 * acceleration * time^2, where acceleration = force / mass. First, calculate acceleration by dividing the force by the mass, then plug the acceleration value into the formula along with the time to find the distance traveled.

How do you find the distance given only the initial velocity traveled time and final velocity?

You can use the equation: distance = (initial velocity + final velocity) / 2 * time. This formula assumes constant acceleration.

How do you find the initial velocity given only the distance and the time traveled?

You can't. You need either the final velocity or the acceleration of the object as well, and then you can substitute the known values into a kinematics equation to get the initial velocity.

How do you find the acceleration if time is not given?

To find the acceleration if the time is not given, you will need to know the velocity and the distance. Then, use this equation: d = vt + (1/2)at2 to solve the problem by plugging in your numbers for the distance and the velocity.

How do you find acceleration when only given distances?

You can't you need the time and distance (once you have that it's just distance/time).

How to find out the velocity when acceleration and distance is given?

The equation that does involve time is.. v² = v₀² + 2ad

How can you find force when given distance and speed?

You cannot. Force is mass times acceleration. You have neither.

How do you find a final velocity without distance but given time?

Without distance, you have to know time, initial velocity, and acceleration, in order to find final velocity.

How far does a plane fly in 15 seconds while its velocity is increasing from 75 miles per second to 145 miles per second at a uniform rate of acceleration?

To find the distance traveled, we can use the formula: distance = initial velocity * time + 0.5 * acceleration * time^2. The initial velocity is 75 miles per second, the final velocity is 145 miles per second, and the time is 15 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Plug in the values to find the acceleration and then calculate the distance traveled in 15 seconds.