You turn the decimal into a fraction. Then you can find the equivalent fraction.
Take the number and divide it by 100.
It means that you find a decimal number that has the same value as the fraction - or often a value that is close, since most fractions cannot be expressed exactly with a terminating decimal. Just divide the numerator by the denominator, to get an equivalent decimal.
Using ordinary long division, divide the fraction's numerator by its denominator.
-- Take the information given with the question. -- Think over what you know about fractions. -- Use the given information, combined with what you know about fractions, to find the missing information.
Given a rational number, express it in the form of a ratio. You can then calculate equivalent rational fractions if you multiply both, its numerator and denominator, by any non-zero integer.
Ella say's that she can find decimal equivalent for lots. Of fractions be cause she knows that the decimal equivalent for 1/5 is 0.2. Name three fractions for which Ella could find the decimal equivalent. Explain how Ella would use 1\5 to find the decimal for each fraction
You either convert the fractions to a common denominator, and then compare, or you convert them to their decimal equivalent and then compare. The latter can quickly be done with a calculator.
You can either convert fractions to decimals and compare the decimal numbers; find equivalent fractions with the same denominator and then compare numerators or find equivalent fractions with the same numerator and then compare denominators.
To find out if two fractions are equivalent, either reduce them both to their simplest forms (which will be the same number if they're equivalent) or convert them to decimals (which will be the same number if they're equivalent). To make an equivalent fraction of a given fraction, multiply the numerator and the denominator of the given fraction by the same counting number.
Take the number and divide it by 100.
When the fraction is in simplest terms.
Steps for finding equivalent fraction for the given decimal number :- The method of decimal to fraction transformation engage the use of elementary regulation of fractions; the fraction is supposed to be writeProblem 1:- Find the equivalent percentage for the fraction `1/10` . Solution:- The given fraction is `1/10` . Step 1 Find the decimal equivalent for `1/10` . The decimal equivalent for `1/ 10` is 0.1. Ste..Steps for converting a fraction to equivalentspercentage:- The procedure of fraction to percentage translation involve the employ of fundamental regulation of fractions.. The subsequent steps demonstrate how to find eq..Introduction to equivalent fractionsdecimals and percents A fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole. A fraction consists of a numerator and a denominator , the numerator representing a number of equal parts and ..Practice problem 1 Find 3 equivalent fractions of `1/3` Answer : `2/6` , `3/9` and `4/12` Practice problem 2 Convert the following decimals into fractions, 1) 0.5 Answer : `1/2` 2) 0.75 Answer : `3/4` Practice problem 3 Convert ..Example 1 Find four equivalent fractions of `2/3` . Solution The equivalent fractions of a fraction can be found by multiplying and dividing the fraction by same number. Or in other words, multiply both numerator and denominator b..
You can tell her that you would have to divide the numerator by the denominator.
In what situtation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fraction? Give an example
A decimal becase a decimal can be any fraction
60% is equivalent to .60 as a decimal, this would equal 60/100 as a fraction. to find the equivalent fractions you'd need to add or take away zeros from the top and the bottom (600/1000, 6/10). Hope it helps! :)
Because to add or subtract two fractions you first have to find equivalent fractions for both which have the same denominator.