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In what situtation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fraction? Give an example

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Q: In what situation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fractions to a given fraction give an example?
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What situation can you use onkly multiplication to find equivalent fractions to a given fraction?

When the fraction is in simplest terms.

What is the difference between multiplication and division fractions?

In dividing fractions you have to change division to multiplication and change the second fraction into a recipracol(flip the fraction.

Why wouldn't you use division to find an equivalent fraction for 715?

If 7/15 is the simplest form, equivalent fractions will be greater. To make things greater, use multiplication.

In what situation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fractions to a given fraction?

Well, it depends what the fraction is so mainly the situation is for example if the fraction is 45/34 that wouldn't work because the numerater is larger than the denomenater. I hope this helps you out some!

Define equivalent fractions?

Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value as another fraction.

You read on the fraction chart that the proper shape for multiplying fractions is fraction form what does that mean?

In the context of multiplying fractions, the term "proper shape" refers to the format in which the fractions are written before performing the multiplication operation. When multiplying fractions, it is essential to ensure that the fractions are in their simplest form, with no mixed numbers or improper fractions. This simplifies the calculation process and allows for easier manipulation of the numerators and denominators during multiplication. Therefore, maintaining the fractions in fraction form ensures accuracy and efficiency in the multiplication process.

Why isn't 5-5 not equivalent fraction?


How is the multiplication of fractions and division of fractioms alike and different?

Division is the multiplication by the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse. In simpler language, to divide by a fraction change the division sign to multiplication and flip the fraction.

Which fraction is equivalent?

Every fraction has infinitely many fractions that areequivalent to it. So every fraction is equivalent.Every fraction has infinitely many fractions that areequivalent to it. So every fraction is equivalent.Every fraction has infinitely many fractions that areequivalent to it. So every fraction is equivalent.Every fraction has infinitely many fractions that areequivalent to it. So every fraction is equivalent.

What are the 2 kinds of fraction?

There are common fractions, improper fractions and equivalent fractions

What is mixed fraction multiplication?

It is the binary operation of multiplication which has two inputs, at least one of which comprises a mixed fraction: that is, a fraction which consists of an integer part and a part which is a proper fraction.

What is the smallest equivalent fraction that is the same as thirteen-hundredths?

13/100 As 13 is a prime number this fraction cannot be simplified (by division of the numerator and denominator) but equivalent fractions can be formed by multiplication. The smallest equivalent fraction is therefore 2 x 13/2 x 100 = 26/200