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Take the top number divide by the bottom number. Fractions.

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Q: How can you find the differences between the larger and smaller fraction?
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When you divide a fraction by a whole number is the answer larger or smaller than the fraction?


How do you find the difference between two mixed fractions?

Subtract the smaller fraction from the larger one.

How is it possible to find a fraction smaller than another fraction?

No because the smallest fraction depeneds on how many parts you have for instance if the denominator is larger the fraction is smaller

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How can you tell which fraction is smaller by looking at their denominators?

You can't unless the numerators are equal. In that case, the fraction with the larger denominator is smaller.

Can you ever find a fraction smaller than any other fraction?

No, because there is an infinite number of possibilities smaller from the larger gives

When the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the dominator. It is a fraction.?

yes. if the numerator is larger than the denominator it is an IMPROPER fraction.

How do you subtract a larger fraction from a smaller fraction?


How do you compare two fractions whose numerators are the same?

If the fractions have the same numerator (top number), then the fraction with the larger denominator (bottom number) is the smaller fraction, which implies that the fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger fraction. For example with 1/2 and 1/4, it can be easily seen that 1/2 is the larger of the two.

Does a proper fraction have a numerator larger than the denominator?

No, a proper fraction has a numerator smaller than the denominator.

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Males are larger, and have a pronouced ruff of fur aound the cheeks, which is smaller or absent in tigresses.

Why is the answer larger when you multiply a whole number by a whole number and smaller when you multiply a whole number by a proper fraction?

It is larger because the two whole numbers form a greater, larger number when multiplpied together. It is smaller when u multiply a whole number by a fraction because a fraction is a decimal and u get a smaller number when multiplying a number like 1/7 of 5