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You cannot because the volumes of the cones also depend on their heights.

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Q: How can you find the ratio of radius of two cones when you have the ratio of volumes of that two cones?
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How The ratio of the heights of two similar cones is 79 Find the ratio of the following Their Radii 2) Their Volumes 3) The areas of their bases?

Not enough information has been given but the volume of a cone is 1/3*pi*radius squared *height and its base area is pi*radius squared

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If the ratio of the radii is 1:3 then the ratio of volumes is 1:27.

How do you find the similarity ratio of the two cones with volumes of 250 and 1024?

Reduce it if possible. Then set it equal to the similarity ratio of a-cubed over b-cubed, take the cubed route and theres your answer.

How do you find the ratio of two similar cones that have heights of 9cm and 4cm?

The ratio of their heights is 9:4

How do you find the similarity ratio of two pyramids with volumes of 343 and 1331?

Volumes are cubic measures so the similarity ratio is cuberoot(343)/cuberoot(1331) = 7/11

Two similar cones have radii 2:3 . Find the ratios of their volumes?

To find the ratios of the volumes of two similar cones with radii 2:3, we need to consider that volume is directly proportional to the cube of the radius. Let's assume that one cone has a radius of 2 units and another cone has a radius of 3 units. The formula for the volume of a cone is V = (1/3) * π * r^2 * h, where V represents volume, π is Pi (approximately 3.14), r stands for radius, and h indicates height. Since both cones are assumed to be similar, we can keep their heights constant. For simplicity, let's say their height is equal to 'h' units. Now we can calculate the ratio between their volumes: Volume_1 / Volume_2 = [(1/3) * π * r_1^2 * h] / [(1/3) * π * r_2^2 * h] The factors involving height cancel out due to similarity and division by itself results in 1: Volume_1 / Volume_2 = [r_1^2] / [r_2^2] Plugging in our given radii values: Volume_1 / Volume_2 = [4] / [9] Thus, the ratio between their volumes would be 4:9 or simply expressed as 4/9. Therefore, if one cone has a volume represented by x cubic units, then other similar cone will have a volume equal to (4x)/9 cubic units.

How do you find ratio of a circumference?

The answer depends on what the ratio is relative to!The ratio of a circumference to the area of a circle is half the radius.

How do you find ratio of area to radius?

In a circle, the area of the circle is pi times the radius squared

A cone and a hemisphere have equal bases and equal volumes find the ratio of their height?


What is the ratio of the volumes of a sphere and a cone with the base diameter and the altitude of the cone equal to the diameter of the sphere?

The ratio is given as the sphere volume divided by the volume of the cone. The volume of a sphere that satisfies these conditions is 4/3 x pi x r cubed, and the volume for the cone is 2/3 x pi x r cubed, where r is the radius and pi is equal to 3.14. Dividing these two volumes, you find the resulting ratio is 2.

The radius of one sphere is the radius of one sphere is twice as great as the radius of a second sphere. a. Find the ratio of their surface areas.?


How do you find the total area if you only know the height and radius?

It depends on the shape for which you want the area. The area of both cones and cylinders are completely defined by height and radius.