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Q: How can you find the whole when you know part and the percent?
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How do you find part if you have whole and percent?

Part = Whole*Percent/100

How do you find percent of total?

Divide a part of the whole by the whole and then multiply what you get by 100. This will give you the percentage of the part.

What formula do you use to find PERCENT?

part over whole

How do you find the percent of an amount?

divide the part, by the whole, then multiply your answer by 100

How do you find a number when a percent of it is known?

Divide (the known part) by (the percent). The quotient is the whole unknown number.

When you already have a percent of the whole number how do you find out what that whole number is?

When expressing a math problem in words, the word "of" almost always means "multiply". Say that you know that 1199.91 is [equals] 23 percent of a number. The right side of the obvious equation is .23(a number), or .23x. 1199.91 equals .23x and all you have to do is divide both sides by .23 to find your answer. 1199.91/.23 is equal to 5217. If you have the part and the percent but you need to find the whole then this is the equation....for example 11 is 80% of_____? to figure it out you use this part over whole =percent over 100.... P =part, w=whole, and percent=x it looks like p x _ = _ w 100 The anser to my example one is W=13.75

What Part of a whole is represented by a percent that is 100?

The whole part - all of it.

Write a proportion that can be used to find the part if you know the base and the percent. Then solve the proportion.?

Part = Base*Percent/100Proportion = Part/Base = (Base*Percent/100)*Base = Percent/100.

What are the characteristics of a percent?

a part of a whole

What does percent equation mean?

A percent equation is an equation that relates a part to the whole using percentages. It is commonly used to find the part, whole, or percent when the other two values are known. The equation typically takes the form: Part = Percent x Whole.

How do you find whole when part and percent is known?

Divide 100 by the known percentage and multiply the result by the known part. This will calculate the whole. Example: £10 is equal to 25%. Thus the whole = (100/25) * 10 = £40.

What is part of a whole expressed in hundredths?
