There are no 3 digit numbers between 0 and 9 because 0 and 9 are 1 digit numbers.
im pretty sure that's impossibleAnswer:Since numbers starting with 0 are not counted as being 4 digits there are only 9000 possible combinations. All of them would follow the format "nmqr" (where n= 1->9), m=0->9), q=0->9, and r=0->9)
There are 9*9*8*7 = 4536 such numbers.
There are no 3 digit numbers between 0 and 9 because 0 and 9 are 1 digit numbers.
1+2=3 3^2=9 now we have 9 and 0. then, put them together 90.
im pretty sure that's impossibleAnswer:Since numbers starting with 0 are not counted as being 4 digits there are only 9000 possible combinations. All of them would follow the format "nmqr" (where n= 1->9), m=0->9), q=0->9, and r=0->9)
There are 25 such numbers.
The number of combinations of 7 numbers from 10 is 10C7 = 10*9*8/(3*2*1) = 120
There are several options. 3*(2 + 7 - 1!) + √99! * 0 = 24
0 1 8