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4!/4 - 4/4 = 24/4 - 1 = 6 - 1 = 5

NOTE: 4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24

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Q: How can you get 5 using only four 4s simply with addition subtraction and multiplication and division?
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What is a binary operation?

A binary operator is simply an operator that works with two operands (for example, two numbers). The binary operator is usually written between the two operands. Examples include the familiar operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division - for example, in: 2 + 3 the "plus" is the binary operator, which works on the two numbers written on either side of it. What is an operator: Basically a function (calculation rule), written in a special way.

What is the meaning of a numerical expression?

A numerical expression is simply a set of numbers separate by mathematical operations, but without an equality (or inequality) sign. The equality or inequality sign would make it an equation rather than an expression. Examples of mathematical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, factorials.

How Addition and subtraction of unsigned numbers is done?

because they simply each other

What are Steps for finding answer for 5 times 6 plus 3 minus 4 plus 3 times 3?

The answer is simple: Grouping symbols Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Follow each step by checking to see if the problem qualifies under that word/s. so first: grouping symbols. Since there are none, move on to exponents. next: check for exponents.none, so move on to multiplication. next: multiplication. do all sections that require multiplication, so: 5x6=30 and 3x3 = 9. so replace those with the new numbers. Next: division. none, so move on. Next: addition. add 9 to 4 and 30 to 3. so now your problem should look like this: 33-13=? next: subtraction. the last step is to simply subtract 13 from 33 and your answer should be.......20!

Is subtraction and addition commutative and associative?

Addition: yes. Subtraction: only if you redefine it as an addition, for example 5 - 3 = 5 + (-3) = (-3) + 5 = -3 + 5. You might simply keep each number with its sign.

Related questions

How do you estimate 6.124?

The answer depends on what for.For addition or subtraction I would go for 6 or 6-and-a-bit. For multiplication of division, I would opt for = 100/16. Multiplication by 100 is easy and division by 16 is simply halve, halve, halve and halve.

How are multiplying and addition different?

In some respects they are the same in others they are not. At a simple level, multiplication is simply repeated addition so that the two operations are the same. However, an inverse operation can be defined on the set of rational or real numbers for addition (it is called subtraction) but not in its entirety for multiplication (division by zero is not defined).

What is commutative propriety of addition?

It simply means that the order of the addends is immaterial - if 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 then 5 + 7 +3 = 15. This is also true for multiplication, but not for division or subtraction.

What does the commutative property mean?

The commutative property states that changing the order of operands in a binary operation does not affect the result. More simply, and using more familiar terms: for addition, it means that A + B = B + A or for multiplication, A * B = B *A Subtraction and division are not commutative, nor is matrix multiplication.

Why is zero not an identity element in subtraction?

If you subtract zero, you get the original number back.The reason it is not usually considered the "identity element of subtraction" is that the base operations are addition and multiplication - subtraction and division are simply the inverse operations to addition, and multiplication, respectively. When defining numbers in an axiomatic system, the emphasis is on those base operations.

How many numbers can you make with the numbers 480523 and using all the numbers?

By simply re-ordering the digits, you can get 500 6-digit numbers, excluding those starting with 0. There are thousands more that can be made using mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, factorials and so on.

What is a binary operation?

A binary operator is simply an operator that works with two operands (for example, two numbers). The binary operator is usually written between the two operands. Examples include the familiar operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division - for example, in: 2 + 3 the "plus" is the binary operator, which works on the two numbers written on either side of it. What is an operator: Basically a function (calculation rule), written in a special way.

What is the column method?

is this the column method for addition / subtraction or the column method for multiplication?? The term column method simply means to stack in columns so that the units; tens and hundreds are all lined up.

What is the meaning of a numerical expression?

A numerical expression is simply a set of numbers separate by mathematical operations, but without an equality (or inequality) sign. The equality or inequality sign would make it an equation rather than an expression. Examples of mathematical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, factorials.

How Addition and subtraction of unsigned numbers is done?

because they simply each other

What are Steps for finding answer for 5 times 6 plus 3 minus 4 plus 3 times 3?

The answer is simple: Grouping symbols Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Follow each step by checking to see if the problem qualifies under that word/s. so first: grouping symbols. Since there are none, move on to exponents. next: check for exponents.none, so move on to multiplication. next: multiplication. do all sections that require multiplication, so: 5x6=30 and 3x3 = 9. so replace those with the new numbers. Next: division. none, so move on. Next: addition. add 9 to 4 and 30 to 3. so now your problem should look like this: 33-13=? next: subtraction. the last step is to simply subtract 13 from 33 and your answer should be.......20!

Is subtraction and addition commutative and associative?

Addition: yes. Subtraction: only if you redefine it as an addition, for example 5 - 3 = 5 + (-3) = (-3) + 5 = -3 + 5. You might simply keep each number with its sign.