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Q: How can you get rid of thousand legs?
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What animal has the most legs?

The animal with the most legs is the millipede, which can have up to 750 legs. Despite its name "millipede," which means "thousand feet," they do not actually have a thousand legs.

The name of which animal means ''a thousand legs?

The name of the animal that means ''a thousand legs'' is millipede. Despite their name, millipedes do not actually have a thousand legs, but they can have hundreds of legs arranged in pairs on each body segment.

How do you get rid of scars on legs?

Let it go naturally

Does walking get rid of veiny legs?

Yes,of course it does!

Which mill word means having a thousand legs?


How much legs does a thousand leger have?

up to 15 pairs

Having thousand legs is called what?

Having a thousand legs is not a natural condition for any organism. In the realm of imagination or folklore, a creature with a large number of legs may be referred to as "myriapodan" or "myriapod-like," drawing inspiration from the class of arthropods known as Myriapoda, which includes centipedes and millipedes.

How do you get rid of black patches between your legs?

cut your leg off

The name of which animal means thousand legs?

A millipede means 1000 legs but they really don't have that many.

What are the scientific names for thousand leggers?

Millipede, which is a compound word formed form the Latin roots "mille" (thousand) and "pes" (foot). Despite their name, millipedes do not have 1000 legs, although the rare species Illacme plenipes has up to 750.