

Who has more than two legs?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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There are several thousand creatures with more than two legs. here are a few

dog cat rat rabbit centepede cockaroach Tasmanian devil lion cheetah giraffe elephant oliphant wolf Is that enough?

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12y ago
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Q: Who has more than two legs?
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Why do you think are we less stable than four-legged mammals?

Humans balance on two legs. This is less stable than balancing on four legs. The more legs you can lean on, the more stable you are. Centipedes are really stable!

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Two. There are four ears and eight legs. Ha.

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if you have more than two legs currently yes if not go for a robot

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There are a great many animals with more than two legs and a backbone, here are a few examples, cat, dog, cow, goat, pig, horse, zebra, giraffe, elephant, mouse.

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It is not an insect. It has more than 6 legs.

Is there a mammal with more than legs?

I take it your meant 4 legs no there are not

Do millipedes have more than 8 legs?

Yes they have 750 legs

Is there a animal with more than 2 legs yes or no?

Yes there is. In fact there are many animals with more than 2 legs. for example, there is dogs, cats, giraffes and elephant's. there are many other animals with more than 2 legs too.

Does a caterpillar have more than 4 legs?

Yes, a caterpillar has 6 legs.

Does a beatle have more than 8 legs?

no a beatle only have 2 legs