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Depends on how approximate is acceptable. The approximation of 22/7 is often quoted.

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Q: How can you get the approximate value of pi?
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What is the appromiximate value of pi?

The approximate value of pi is 3.14159265.

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The approximate value of pi up to the fifth decimal place is 3.14159

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Who approximate the value of pi?

3.14 or 3.142

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It is an approximate value for pi

Why pi is a irretional number while their value is 22 upon 7?

22/7 is only an approximate value of pi

Why the value of pie is 227?

Because 22/7 is the approximate value of pi as a fraction but the exact value of pi has never been determined.

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What is equivalent to ratio 3.14?

3.14 is the approximate value of pi.

How do you find the approximate value of pi?

3.14 or 22/7