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One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer.

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Q: What fraction is the closest to the actual value of pi?
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Which fraction is the closest to the actual value of pi?

If you're looking at a list under this question in the book, I'm sorry you're not letting me see it, and there's no way I can give you the best answer from that list. My choice for the fraction closest to the actual value of (pi) is 22/7 . It's only about 0.04% wrong.

What fraction is closest to 5?

One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer

Why is pi equal to 227?

22 divided by 7 is 3.14, making 22/7 the closest fraction to the value of pi.

What is the fraction close to pi?

22 over 7 is the fractiron closest to pi

What is the closest fraction to Pi?

22 over 7

Fraction value of pi?

22/7 No! It's a joke. There is no fraction value for pi. Pi is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be represented in fractional form.

What is the fraction for pi in circumference?

the fraction 22/7 is often used as an approximation for the value of pi. it is off from the actual value by about 0.04 percent (1 in 2500). This would be like measuring a football field and being off by about 1.5 inches on your measurement. The fraction 355/113 is amazingly close, better than 1 part in 10 million

What is the closest approximate fraction form of the number Pi?

It is: 22/7

What numbers can you divide to get the closest to pi?

The fraction 22/7 is close to PI for four significant digits.

What is the formula for pi?

Pi is a number. You get pi when you divide the circumference of a circle by it's radius. 22/7=3.14 is the closest fraction.

What whole number is closest to the value of pi?


Can pi be written as a fraction?

22/7 I think is the closest fraction you will get. By definition it is irrational, and cannot be written as fraction of integer numbers. There are a few fractions that are close approximates though. Pi cannot be technically written as a fraction. However, a fraction that is a close approximation of pi is 22/7.